Truck 42

Truck 42 is a 2009 Pierce Contender custom cab. This unit was built by Pierce Manufacturing at their Bradenton Florida Plant and has seating for 4. It is powered by a 425 hp Cummins ISM engine and Allison Automatic Transmission. It is equipped with a midship 1500 GPM Waterous single stage pump and a 1,000 Gallon poly water tank with two 30 gallon Class A & B foam tanks recessed inside. These foam tanks feed the on board Hercules Compressed Air Foam System (CAFS) allowing us to utilize foam, air,and water to extinguish fires. When CAFS is used, the water needed to extinguish a fire, is cut by more than half. In addition it has (2) 200' 1 1/2" and (1) 200' 2 1/2" preconnected lines which can be used with water alone, water and foam, or CAFS. It also carries 1000' of large diameter hose (LDH) which is utilized to make hydrant connections and supply water to the fire. Truck 42 is also equipped with a 10 KW hydraulic generator, retractable cord reel, Akron remote controlled deluge monitor, and a newton gravity quick dump in the rear so it can be utilized for water shuttle operations when needed.
Truck 42 responds to structure fires, fire alarms, vehicle fires, motor vehicle accidents, and medical calls when needed. This unit is normally first out on all motor vehicle accidents. It is specially equipped with vehicle stabilization equipment and Holmatro hydraulic rescue tools to extricate patients who may be trapped in their vehicle. These hydraulic tools are known to most as " The Jaws of Life ". The design of this apparatus was based on plans of the department adding rescue services in the future and the amount of space that would be required to carry this equipment. All St. Stephens apparatus carries a compliment of medical equipment including fully stocked medical bag, oxygen, automated external defibrilator (AED), suction unit, spinal bag, and backboard.