St. Stephens Volunteer Fire Department St. Stephens Volunteer Fire Department

2014 Incidents
Jan 42 38 80
Feb 32 43 75
Mar 29 44 73
Apr 45 51 96
May 30 37 67
Jun 39 59 98
Jul 35 64 99
Aug 28 49 77
Sep 25 34 59
Oct 37 53 90
Nov 54 53 107
Dec 32 56 88
Total 428 581 1009

2015 Incidents
Fire EMS Total
Jan 44 61 105
Feb 35 52 87
March 41 50 91
April 34 60 94
May 40 55 95
June 32 55 87
July 45 48 93
Aug 28 43 71
Sept 52 42 94
Oct 49 51 100
Nov 38 62 100
Dec 36 51 87
0 474 630 1104

2016 Incidents
Fire EMS Total
January 34 52 86
February 40 40 80
March 29 60 89
April 40 45 85
May 42 55 97
June 56 38 94
July 52 53 105
August 24 51 75
September 37 43 80
October 54 58 112
November 81 49 130
December 53 62 115
0 542 606 1148

2017 Incidents
Fire EMS Total
January 47 58 105
February 36 63 99
March 54 57 111
April 39 52 91
May 58 43 101
June 40 47 87
July 46 61 107
August 41 48 89
September 46 52 98
October 64 48 112
November 55 50 105
December 61 45 106
0 587 624 1211

2018 Incidents
Fire EMS Total
January 57 79 136
February 45 49 94
March 35 60 95
April 36 47 83
May 49 55 104
June 45 58 103
July 50 43 93
August 38 61 99
September 43 39 82
October 64 48 112
November 51 53 104
December 46 54 100
Total 559 646 1205

2019 Incidents
Fire EMS Total
January 43 50 93
February 44 60 104
March 32 55 87
April 55 52 107
May 40 68 108
June 70 52 122
July 31 59 90
August 49 57 106
September 33 43 76
October 60 51 111
November 39 51 90
December 45 71 116
0 541 669 1210

2020 Incidents
Fire EMS Total
January 43 81 124
February 28 57 85
March 38 34 72
April 46 8 54
May 28 11 39
June 39 11 50
July 40 13 53
August 47 5 52
September 50 14 64
October 96 37 133
November 59 43 102
December 37 52 89
Total 551 366 917

2021 Incidents
Fire EMS Total
January 25 54 79
February 26 41 67
March 49 46 95
April 57 37 94
May 40 32 72
June 36 47 83
July 31 48 79
August 39 81 120
September 38 62 100
October 46 61 107
November 48 56 104
December 71 83 154
Total 506 648 1154

2022 Incidents
Fire EMS Total
January 39 88 127
February 29 47 76
March 29 54 83
April 47 56 103
May 39 63 102
June 36 56 92
July 43 54 97
August 46 63 109
September 46 70 116
October 44 70 114
November 34 78 112
December 39 89 128
Total 471 788 1259

2023 Incidents
Fire EMS Total
January 29 86 115
February 44 69 113
March 34 77 111
April 41 52 93
May 50 56 106
June 32 56 88
July 51 58 109
August 46 57 103
September 32 61 93
October 64 60 124
November 60 61 121
December 58 106 164
Total 541 799 1340

2024 Incidents
Fire EMS Total
January 40 78 118
February 40 56 96
March 42 64 106
April 46 39 85
May 42 50 92
June 31 61 92
July 57 60 117
August 46 66 112
September 95 47 142
October 38 83 121
November 34 64 98
December 34 52 86
Total 545 720 1265

2025 Incidents
Fire EMS Total
January 46 74 120
February 42 78 120
Total 88 152 240

Support or Troops

Web Counters
Website Visitors
June 24, 2010
Visitors Today
Mar 13, 2025

Catawba County EMRS
Online Burning Permits
Address Signs
Just for Kids


Your feedback is important to us. Feel free to leave your comments.

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Signed on November 01, 2021 at 11:27 AM
Name: Michele York
Rank/Title: internet Sales Manager
Web Address:
Location: Hickory, NC

Thank You so much for coming out setting up handing out candy and being here for our community Jeeps-n-treats ... the kids loved it and I hope you all had a great time... We appreciate your support and for coming out!! Till Next Year!!

Signed on March 30, 2020 at 1:11 PM
Name: Elliott
Web Address:

Great Job!

Signed on December 04, 2019 at 4:00 AM
Name: Lucas
Web Address:

Nice web site! Stay safe and god bless.

Signed on November 05, 2019 at 3:00 AM
Name: Sam
Web Address:

Thank you so much for your service and all you do for our community!

Signed on October 13, 2019 at 9:16 AM
Name: Mark
Web Address:

Thank you for your devotion, may God be with you.

Signed on March 02, 2019 at 8:21 AM
Name: william russell shaver
Rank/Title: Retired Asst. Chief

Hey I am trying to help my son start his patch collection. He is finishing his rookie year and is a 3rd generation Volunteer. My dad done 27 yrs and I done 15 before my knees said no more. if you can help him and send one for me.
Thanks for your Service and STAY SAFE

1065 Starhaven Lane Salisbury, NC 28147

Signed on May 14, 2018 at 11:41 AM

Looks great guys good job!

Signed on April 21, 2018 at 5:21 PM
Name: Robert Page
Rank/Title: Fire Technology Student
Location: California

Just looking at departments to join after my move to the area, My grandpa was a firefighter here in california at the local department for 48 years so I grew up around the firehouse and hes what made me wanna join the profession. I really like the structure of your department keep up the hard work and be safe!

Signed on March 15, 2018 at 8:06 AM
Name: Hank and Gloria Kablan
Location: Charlotte NC

My grandson and I love to tour different fire stations all over NC. He is 6 and collects Fire Station Patches and has a awesome collection book already. We stopped at St. Stephens on Friday March 2 to look around. Your Jr. FireFighter I believe his name was Justin, (I apologize if I have his first name incorrect) but he was wonderful. He took Hank on all the vehicles and answered all his questions. When Hank asked if he could get a patch, He said they did not have one and if we left our address he would mail one out. Hank received his patch this week from the St. Stephens Fire Station and he was so excited. He said " I can't believe he remembered to send me a patch" We need to go back there and thank him. So thank you for being so kind and so accommodating. You all are awesome!! And we loved your fire station. He said it was one of his favorites. Thank you again.

Signed on January 24, 2018 at 7:12 AM
Name: Patrick Noonan
Rank/Title: Lead Paramedic Rutherford Co EMS
Location: Hickory, NC

Great department I enjoyed being a member here and there is always something to learn. The dedication to superior service that these men and women provide is second to none. The website looks great. Keep up the good work.

Signed on July 13, 2016 at 5:43 PM
Name: Wayne

good job

Signed on July 21, 2013 at 2:59 AM
Name: David
Rank/Title: Owner
Web Address:

Nice website, Great Graphics and info. Keep up the good work you provide. Thank You.

Signed on June 02, 2013 at 12:09 AM
Name: Troy Storti
Rank/Title: Explorer
Location: hickory, nc

keep up the great work!!!!!!!

Signed on November 06, 2012 at 2:28 AM
Name: Sarah Lynn Kelley
Location: United States

Good job y'all. Stay safe!

Signed on November 01, 2012 at 1:12 PM
Name: David W. Dyer
Location: 6641- Monford Dr. Conover

The men of St. Stephens Fire Dept. have always been very courteous and extremely competent whenever they have responded to the campgroud. Good job!!!!

Signed on October 14, 2012 at 4:33 AM
Name: Wilfredo Acevdo
Rank/Title: 2 Lieutenant
Location: Long Branch NJ 07740

Dear St Stephen Fire Department , I was a member of your company in 2005 and i sure miss your company i share very special moments with all of you.I still dont forget the special name you guy's gave me im sure you still remember "Paco".As for me I still persute my carrier as a voluteer firefighter in the state of NJ.I am currently a 2 Lieutanant and im moving up to 1 Lieutenant on December with my company PHIL DALY HOSE CO.I will like to thank you again for everything your company did for me in the time i was with your company and I always have in my heart and in my thoughts. Please fill free to contact me my number is 732- 791- 3698 and a special Hi to Josh,Jeff,Shawn,and Bill.

Signed on December 24, 2011 at 8:25 PM
Name: Nick Honeycutt
Rank/Title: PFC/ Track Mech(91H) US Army
Location: Camp Casey, South Korea

Hello to everybody back at home. I hope everything is well and goin great for everyone. I keep you all in my thoughts and prayers everyday. I really appreciated the gift box that was sent out. It was exceptional and made me teary eyed to know that I have such wonderful family and friends in the fire service and at St. Stephens.

Everything is still goin good over here. Even with the change of power in North Korea we are still in a low threat level. But besides the cold weather. And I mean cold( 20's and lower) this place is alright.

I miss my family. My wife and daughter very much. Along with my parents. But I miss my SSFD family very much also. Yall helped me to become much of the person I am today. And I think without y'all and being in the dept I wouldn't have been able to come into the Army and do what I am doing so well.

Thank You all for all or hard work and commitment. Keep up the good work. Stay safe and God Bless every single one of you!

Signed on September 21, 2011 at 8:36 AM
Name: Nick Honeycutt
Location: Camp Casey, South Korea

Hey guys! Just checking in. I hope you are all doing great and staying safe. Things are goin good here. I will keep in touch as much as I can.

Just stopping in to show some love to my brothers. Love and Miss you guys. Take care and be safe.

Signed on February 20, 2011 at 4:27 PM
Name: Chuck
Web Address:
Location: Connecticut

Very nice site. Keep up the great work and stay safe!

Signed on February 12, 2011 at 9:12 AM
Name: Amanda Harstick

Thanks for all that ya'll do in our community and for putting your lifes in danger to save others!

Signed on January 25, 2011 at 7:09 PM
Name: Anna Carol Spencer

Chris, Your tribute to Matt is so touching - I know how special you were to him and yes he trusted you to take care of Monica! I just wanted to say how memorable the SSVFD's tributes to Matt at the service and the gravesite were today - thank you all from someone who has loved Matt and the Deal family for many years. cherish the memories - that's what gets us through the tough times till we meet again!!! Thanks again Chris and the SSVFD !!!
God's Blessings

Signed on January 22, 2011 at 9:23 PM
Name: Jim Gulnac
Rank/Title: Former St. Stephens Firefighter
Location: Newton, NC

To all my brothers at St. Stephens Fire Department:

Sorry to hear about the recent loss of Matt Deal. I know he was loved by many, and will be missed by many. Amy and I will keep Matt's family, as well as all of you in our thoughts and prayers.


Signed on October 28, 2010 at 2:27 PM
Name: Chase hollar
Rank/Title: jr.firefighter

Great site, cant wait to c some exploer pics. Keep up the good work.

Signed on October 28, 2010 at 2:26 PM
Name: Mason Baker
Rank/Title: Explorer Captain

Site is looking really good i cant wait till yall get some explorer pics up.

Signed on July 21, 2010 at 8:23 PM
Name: Mervin Rueda

Great job to all of you who in one way or another put this website together. It's definitely something to be proud of. I am sure our community will enjoy it as much as we will...thanks Saint Stephens Fire Department!!

Signed on July 09, 2010 at 3:32 PM
Name: Rachel Hill (Mrs. Sarg)

The website looks great! Love the pictures!!

Signed on July 08, 2010 at 6:06 PM
Name: Harold Dawkins
Rank/Title: Web Master & Fire Photographer
Web Address:
Location: Richmond County N.C.

Grat start to your web site. Keep up the good work. Hope you will check out our site at .

Signed on June 28, 2010 at 11:30 PM
Name: Monica Wise (Mrs. Code 3)

the website looks great!! all of the time, effort, and dedication you have put into this website has truly paid off. this is something great for the community as well as the fire department. it looks awesome and i can't wait to see what else you have to add to the website.

All the Boys:
thanks for all you do!! Love you all!!

Signed on June 28, 2010 at 12:16 AM
Name: Jason Pruitt
Rank/Title: Lieutenant
Web Address:
Location: Claremont, NC

Great web site

Signed on June 27, 2010 at 9:13 PM
Name: Eric Pope
Rank/Title: Captain
Web Address:
Location: Statesville, NC

Great site guys. Keep up the great work you do for your community.

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Website Designed and Hosted By: Content Proudly Maintained By: Contact Info:
Firehouse Solutions
St. Stephens Fire Department
4060 Springs Road
Conover NC 28613

Emergency Dial 911
Non-Emergency: 828-256-2375
Station Fax: 828-441-0578
Copyright © 2025 Firehouse Solutions (A Service of Technology Reflections, Inc.)