The St. Stephens Fire Department offers address signs for your home so emergency responders, repair men, and even the pizza man can find your home. One of the most forgotten aspects of the home is often the address numbers. The city and county post road signs so we can find the correct stre et, but if you have not labeled the house number in a visible location, we cant find your house. This becomes a problem for emergency responders to find the correct address when responding to an emergency at you or your neighbors home. Every home should have the correct house numbers posted in a highly visible location and be large enough to be read by emergency vehicles from the street. The best way to accomplish this is by having a large sign at the end of your drive or posted on the mailbox which gives the house number.
All to often, house numbers are posted on the front door under a porch where they are barely visible or not even posted at all. Many times in rural settings there may be several mail boxes at the end of a street or dirt road listing all the homes on that street. If each home is not labeled individually, this eats up valuable time in an emergency searching for the address instead of providing emergency services to the family who called 911. By providing this service, we hope you can help us, help you!
The St. Stephens Fire Department offers blue 6" x 18" reflective signs with 3" reflective numbers to make your home highly visible to emergency responders especially at night. These signs can be made to read vertically or horizontally. The cost of the sign is $20 dollars if you want to mount it on your mailbox or existing post. We provide black painted steel vertical mounting posts for an additional $5 dollars if you do not have an existing mount. The mounting posts have pre-drilled holes for mounting the sign and a sharp point on the opposite end to drive into the ground.
To order a sign, you can print out the online order form and return it to the St. Stephens Fire Department with your payment, or stop by Station 1 and fill out an order form in person and drop off with your payment. All orders must be paid in advance and we will call you when your sign is ready for pick-up. Signs are usually ready within one week of ordering. The St. Stephens Fire Department is a non-profit organization and all proceeds benefit the St. Stephens Fire Department Firemans Fund. If you have questions, please feel free to contact us at (828) 256-2375 or email us at info@ssvfd4.org.

click on Catawba County for video
Address Sign Order Form.pdf.cfm